Comments on: Opinion: Jenny Carryer – why do nurses feel undervalued? Let me count the ways… New Zealand's independent nursing series.... Sat, 09 Feb 2019 17:31:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol S Wed, 19 Dec 2018 22:35:59 +0000 You hit the nail on the head as usual Jenny. After two and a half years in the PHC setting as a new nurse in mid-life, I gave up on practice nursing, as I was sick and tired of being treated as a personal slave to GPs and/or (weirdly), being expected to do half their job for them. This was a big decision to make, as I was on the Voluntary Bonding scheme, and although I am still in the community as a nurse, my organisation is not covered by the VBS so I will not be getting any money. Still, job satisfaction and respect is worth more to me, so I have made the right decision, as I get both and more, in my new job of 6 months, where I am actively encouraged and supported in working to an advanced level.
