Nursing ranks well in latest job prospect list

21 April 2013
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Nursing is still rated as a good job prospect compared to many other professions covered in the Department of Labour’s Occupational Outlooks for 2013.

The outlooks reports are designed to be one of the first places for young people to look when making a decision on career options and determining their chances of getting a job on finishing their studies.

The department rates 40 key occupations as “low, medium, or high” in the areas of student fees and potential income and also rates them as  “limited, fair, and good” when it came to job prospects.

Nursing job prospects are rated “good” compared to “fair” prospects for law, police, and architecture graduates and “limited” for journalists, pilots, and firefighters.

Nursing student fees are ranked as high (an average of $16,000 to 18,000), which is the same ranking as given for doctors ($63,000) and dentists ($66,400), which are also both ranked as having good job prospects

When it comes to income, nurses are predicted to have “medium” income prospects, the same category given to architects, graphic designers, farm managers, software developers, police and plumbers.

The outlooks can be viewed at: